Shahram Chubin
Nonresident Senior Fellow, Nuclear Policy Program


Shahram Chubin is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Shahram Chubin was a nonresident senior fellow in the Carnegie Nuclear Policy Program. Based in Geneva, Chubin’s research focuses on nonproliferation, terrorism, and Middle East security issues.

Chubin was director of studies at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Switzerland, from 1996 to 2009. A specialist in the security problems of the Middle East, he has been a consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense, the RAND Corporation, and the United Nations. He has been director of regional security studies at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a resident fellow at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, and a fellow at the Hudson Institute.

Chubin has taught at various universities including the Graduate School of International Studies in Geneva and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. He has lectured at Oxford, Harvard, and Columbia universities as well as at military staff colleges. He has published widely in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, International Security, Washington Quarterly, Survival, Daedalus, the Middle East Journal, the World Today, and the Adelphi Paper series.

A Swiss national, Chubin was born in Iran and educated in Britain and the United States.

PhD, Columbia University, BA, Oberlin College
English, Farsi, French

All work from Shahram Chubin

23 Results
In the Media
Is Iran a Military Threat?

Tehran’s military capabilities do not match its ambitions for recognition and status. It is cautious, defensive, and prudent in resorting to force, due as much to experience as to realism about its own limits.

· April 1, 2014
In the Media
Iran’s Military Pragmatism

Even if the interim deal with Iran is successfully extended into a comprehensive agreement during the next twelve months, Tehran’s conduct in the Middle East will remain largely unregulated.

· February 12, 2014
International Institute for Strategic Studies
Command and Control in a Nuclear-Armed Iran

With the international spotlight focused on Iran and its nuclear agenda, Tehran has been loath to reliably assure the international community of its ultimate intentions.

· February 11, 2013
Proliferation Papers No. 45
In the Media
Iran and the Arab Spring: Ascendancy Frustrated

Since the start of the Arab Awakening, Tehran has confronted a less tractable regional environment, with allies weakened and adversaries emboldened.

· September 27, 2012
Gulf Research Center
In the Media
Iran and the P5+1 in Moscow: Time is Running Out (Again)

Nearly ten years after the question of Iran’s nuclear ambitions became an international issue, little progress has been made in settling it.

· June 15, 2012
Le Temps
Negotiating with Iran: Obstacles and Outcomes
February 6, 2012

As global tensions over Iran’s nuclear program escalate, Tehran and the West have reached a standoff. To revive negotiations, a clear understanding of the key factors influencing Iran’s stance is paramount.

In the Media
A Grand Bargain with Iran

The aim of U.S. diplomacy should be to reconcile Iran's nuclear ambitions with international concerns about proliferation and to address the broader issues raised by Iran's regional behavior.

· March 23, 2011
Foreign Affairs
In the Media
The Revolution in Cairo is a Serious Warning for the Mullahs

As Egypt begins its efforts to create a more democratic and inclusive government, Iran seems to be moving in the opposite direct.

· February 21, 2011
Le Temps
In the Media
Egypt and Iran: Similarities and Contrasts

In both Egypt and Iran, youth are at the forefront of the struggle for change as both governments must struggle to generate jobs for their growing populations and diminish the growing gap between the rich and the poor.

· February 18, 2011
Le Temps
In the Media
Nuclear Enrichment Impasse Looms Again

The latest round of negotiations between Iran and its critics faces the same significant obstacles and political constraints as previous diplomatic efforts.

· December 4, 2010
PBS Frontline