Pang Xun
Resident Scholar, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy


Pang Xun was a resident scholar at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center until June 2020.

Pang Xun was a resident scholar at Carnegie China, where she was part of the China and the Developing World Program. Pang is a professor at Tsinghua University’s School of Social Sciences. Her recent research focuses on international development aid, emerging economies, and international governance.

Pang serves as a member of the Central Committee on Economy of the China Democratic League and as a member of the Diversity Committee of the U.S. Society for Political Methodology.

From 2010 to 2012, Pang was a tenure-track assistant professor of politics at Princeton University. Her research and teaching interests include international and comparative political economy, political methodology, Bayesian statistics, and Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation.

areas of expertise
Ph.D. in Political Science, Washington University in St. Louis, the U.S.A., M.A. in International Relations, Peking University, China, B.A. in Economics and International Politics, Peking University, China,  
Chinese, English

All work from Pang Xun

10 Results
Germany’s Europe or Europe’s Germany?
September 17, 2015

Crises in Greece and Ukraine have established Germany as a key European power, yet they also have demonstrated how Germany’s power can polarize the continent and present risks to the European project.

  • +2
  • Michael Staack
  • Pang Xun
  • Xiong Wei
  • Zhao Chen
  • Lai Suetyi
Hierarchy in International Relations
March 30, 2015

China’s dramatic rise is reshaping the global order and prompting countries both large and small to reassess how they interact with one another.

In the Media
A Look Ahead to Emerging International Financial Institutions

The BRICS Bank, the AIIB, and the Silk Road Fund are structured similarly to existing international financial institutions and will do much to help developing countries grow.

· March 4, 2015
China Investment
Developing a Chinese Approach to Public Diplomacy
October 16, 2014

The Chinese government is developing public diplomacy initiatives to refine the country’s global image and establish China as a key driver of cultural and social trends.

The Impact of Asian Investment on Africa’s Textile Industries
September 26, 2014

The investment of Asian firms in Africa’s cotton, textile, and apparel sectors could be both a boon and a hindrance for Africa’s own internal production.

  • +1
In the Media
The New Development Bank: Not Merely a Bank

The BRICS bank is both an alternative to the IMF and the World Bank, and a triumph for cooperation over the pursuit of narrow national interests.

· August 14, 2014
China Investment
China and Its Neighboring Countries: Big Data Illustrations
July 9, 2014

As a critical part of a rapidly developing region that is a hub for global trade and business, it has become crucial for China to build more sustainable and positive relations with its neighbors amidst a multitude of challenges and tensions.

The BRICS and China’s Networking Strategy for Social Power

The BRICS group is important to China because it is the rising power’s first successful effort to build its own global network with powerful non-Western countries.

· May 30, 2014
Toward a Final Settlement of the Iran Nuclear Crisis
May 29, 2014

The beginning of 2014 has already yielded important developments in nuclear policy circles. Iran and the P5+1 held talks, questions were raised about tensions between Moscow and Western powers, and North Korea threatened a fourth nuclear test.

Are the BRICS Irrelevant?

While the collective economic power of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa may be waning, the foundation of the group’s political partnership remains strong.

· April 8, 2014