Tang Xiaoyang
Chair and Professor, Department of International Relations, Tsinghua University


Tang Xiaoyang was a resident scholar and the deputy director at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center until June 2020.

Tang Xiaoyang is the chair and a professor in the Department of International Relations at Tsinghua University. His research interests include political philosophy, global modernization processes, and China’s engagement with developing countries.

Tang is the author of Coevolutionary Pragmatism: Approaches and Impacts of China-Africa Economic Cooperation (Cambridge University Press 2020) and has published extensively on the Belt and Road Initiative. Before he came to Tsinghua, Tang worked at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington, DC. He has also worked as a consultant for the World Bank, UNDP, USAID, and various research institutes and consulting companies.

areas of expertise
PhD, Philosophy, New School for Social Research MA, Philosophy, University of Freiburg MA, Philosophy, University of Tuebingen BA, International Management, Fudan University
English, French, German, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish

All work from Tang Xiaoyang

21 Results
Will Africa Shape U.S.-China Strategic Competition?
March 28, 2023

Join the Carnegie Endowment for a special conversation with leading experts on the changing relationship between African nations and the U.S. and China and whether Africa’s development priorities around industrialization, job creation, and universal electrification can remain salient in this rapidly changing geopolitical theatre.

  • +2
In the Media
Orchestrating the International Healthcare Effort

A major reason for the quick spread of the coronavirus is the lack of orchestration in the international effort to contain it. Currently, protection and monitoring measures are decided by authorities in different countries, whose standards and levels of implementation vary.

· March 27, 2020
China-US Focus
Charting the Evolution of China’s Foreign Aid System

Historically, China has forged its own distinctive foreign aid practices. In March 2018, Beijing established the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) to integrate and streamline its development aid programs.

· September 11, 2019
Chinese Aid in the New Era of Globalization
April 12, 2018

While the Trump administration has proposed to slash foreign aid by more than one-third, China is increasingly interacting with, and providing aid to, developing countries under the umbrella of South-South cooperation.

  • +4
  • Tang Xiaoyang
  • Lixia Tang
  • Dan Banik
  • Haisen Zhang
  • Jiajun Xu
  • Xiaojing Mao
  • Cheng Cheng
Implications of a Shifting International Landscape
January 15, 2018

President Trump’s policies have called into question the United States’ role in the world while China’s economic and political clout grows. What is the future of the U.S.-led order and the implications of a rising China?

Managing Business and Environmental Sustainability
November 29, 2017

As governments continue to enact policies to address climate change, companies have begun to also shift toward more environmentally sustainable business models that reduce their global carbon footprint.

U.S.-China Collaboration on Global Development
September 19, 2017

At a time when tensions between China and the United States are increasing, what is the future of cooperative agreements on issues in which both countries have a stake?

The Future of Global Governance: Assessing China's Role and Cultivating Young Leaders
June 7, 2017

As China's role in the world, so too does its place in both participating in and defining global governance. It has taken a more assertive role in this arena through its Belt and Road Initiative but some Western nations are wary of China's expanding influence.

  • +5
Global Experiences of Special Economic Zones: Lessons Learned
October 21, 2015

Special economic zones have played a vital role in China’s economic growth, but have had mixed results elsewhere in the world.

In the Media
China, Africa, and the PRC’s Massive New Development Bank

Although its initial focus will be Asia, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank may eventually broaden its scope to provide development assistance to countries in Africa as well.

· April 25, 2015
China Africa Project