Megan DuBois
Nonresident Research Analyst, Nuclear Policy Program


Megan DuBois is a nonresident research analyst in the Carnegie Nuclear Policy Program.

All work from Megan DuBois

6 Results
Assessing U.S. Options for the Future of the ICBM Force

One of the most salient issues that surfaced in this study is the projected medium-term increase in the vulnerability of silo-based ICBMs to attack by precision conventional weapons.

Enhancing the Northeast Asia Regional Security Eco-System: Issues and Approaches

Given past failures and the many challenges involved in creating security institutions in Northeast Asia, creativity and flexibility will be key to designing a twenty-first-century architecture for the region.

New Approaches to Verifying and Monitoring North Korea’s Nuclear Arsenal

While hopes remain for a reboot of nuclear talks with North Korea, a crucial but oft-overlooked question is how compliance with any negotiated agreement would be monitored and verified.

The World Reacts to Biden’s First 100 Days

As U.S. President Joe Biden prepares to mark 100 days in office, Carnegie scholars from across our global network assess his foreign policy strategy so far.

  • Carnegie Scholars
· April 27, 2021
In the Media
Nighttime in Pyongyang: Aesthetics and Deterrence Under Kim Jong Un

By focusing exclusively on the traditional hard power implications of North Korea’s missile systems, analysts are missing much of Pyongyang’s strategy.

· January 30, 2021
Extending New START Should Be Just the Beginning

A potential five-year extension of the treaty is welcome news, but there is still more work to be done on reducing nuclear risks, halting arms races with Russia and China, and keeping Americans safe.