Jia Qingguo

All work from Jia Qingguo

3 Results
China-EU Relations Amid the Ukraine Crisis
April 12, 2022

Paul Haenle will moderate a discussion with Chinese, European, and Singaporean scholars on the key issues in China-EU relations and the geopolitical implications.

  • +1
The Future of Global Governance: Assessing China's Role and Cultivating Young Leaders
June 7, 2017

As China's role in the world, so too does its place in both participating in and defining global governance. It has taken a more assertive role in this arena through its Belt and Road Initiative but some Western nations are wary of China's expanding influence.

  • +5
Assessing U.S. and Chinese Engagement in the Middle East
May 4, 2017

The United States has historically had a strong focus on the Middle East. China is also looking to grow its economic engagement in the region, but the two nations have differing approaches to issues like the Iran nuclear deal and the civil war in Syria.

  • +2