Cheng Cheng


Cheng Cheng is chief economist at the Made in Africa Initiative (MIAI). This international nongovernmental organization is dedicated to the industrialization of Africa by bringing together the efforts of traditional and emerging donors.

All work from Cheng Cheng

2 Results
The Logic Behind China’s Foreign Aid Agency

The China International Development Cooperation Agency has been tasked with lofty goals, but near-term expectations must be tempered by lingering questions about how it fits into the country’s existing foreign aid bureaucracy.

  • Cheng Cheng
· May 21, 2019
Chinese Aid in the New Era of Globalization
April 12, 2018

While the Trump administration has proposed to slash foreign aid by more than one-third, China is increasingly interacting with, and providing aid to, developing countries under the umbrella of South-South cooperation.

  • +4
  • Tang Xiaoyang
  • Lixia Tang
  • Dan Banik
  • Haisen Zhang
  • Jiajun Xu
  • Xiaojing Mao
  • Cheng Cheng