Taghreed El-Khodary
Visiting Scholar, Heinrich Boell Fellow, Middle East Program


Taghreed El-Khodary is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Taghreed El-Khodary was a visiting scholar in the Middle East Program at the Carnegie Endowment, where her research focused on the future of Gaza.

Since 2001, she has been based in the Gaza Strip, reporting on political developments for the New York Times and serving as a senior analyst for the International Crisis Group.

Throughout her career as a journalist, El-Khodary has worked as a correspondent for Al-Hayat/LBC TV and as a producer for Agence France-Presse, Al Jazeera, and Middle East Broadcasting Center. She has also worked as an assistant producer on documentaries by National Geographic, PBS, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and ITV.

In the spring of 2010, she led a three-week mentorship program on election coverage for journalists in northern Sudan under the auspices of UNDP and Linnaeus University’s Fojo Media Institute.

areas of expertise
Nieman Fellow, Harvard University; M.A., Murray State University; B.A., American University in Cairo
Arabic, English

All work from Taghreed El-Khodary

8 Results
The New Middle East Peace Process – Growing Regional Apathy?
October 15, 2010

According to some recent polls, there is growing apathy in the Arab world for the peace process and the plight of the Palestinian people.

Gaza: A Losing Strategy

As a new round of direct talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders gets underway, U.S. efforts to isolate Hamas in Gaza could jeopardize the prospects for a diplomatic reconciliation between the two sides.

· September 20, 2010
Divided Palestine—A Barrier to Peace?
July 21, 2010

While Prime Minister Netanyahu was received warmly on his recent visit to Washington, progress on the peace process remains in doubt. If direct negotiations are to resume, the split among Palestinians will hamper—and arguably prevent—the ability of President Abbas to negotiate on behalf of the divided people.

  • +1
Can the Peace Process be Saved?
June 7, 2010

Israel’s raid on a flotilla of humanitarian aid ships bound for Gaza, which reportedly left at least nine people dead, drew condemnation from international leaders and leaves prospects for Israeli-Palestinian talks even more dismal.

Hamas Gains the Most from Israeli Raid

Israel’s raid on a flotilla of humanitarian aid has refocused global attention on Gaza’s isolation. Israel’s action have helped Hamas, and the group is now operating from a position of greater strength.

· June 3, 2010
In the Media
Hamas is a Reality on the Ground

The Israeli raid on a humanitarian flotilla headed for Gaza has been a present for Hamas. The sooner the United States and Israel realize that the popularity of Hamas is the result of failed policies, the better off the peace process will be.

· June 2, 2010
Gaza: Finding Opportunities in the Current Crisis

Under the control of Hamas and hemmed in by Israeli containment policies, the Gaza Strip continues to pose multiple challenges for humanitarian and reconstruction efforts as well as for broader U.S. strategic interests in the region.

  • +1
· May 17, 2010
Life under Hamas Rule

Since Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip on June 15, governance has barely functioned. Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyya in a November 4 speech expressed his dissatisfaction with the paralysis afflicting the executive, judicial, and legislative institutions, accusing the Ramallah government of responsibility.

· August 14, 2008