Muriel Asseburg
Visiting Scholar, Middle East Center


This person is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Muriel Asseburg is the head of the Middle East and Africa Department of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs in Berlin (SWP). She was a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Center in 2008. Her research focuses on the Middle East conflict, German and Middle East politics, the Euro–Mediterranean Partnership, and state building, political reform, and political Islam in the Middle East.

From 2000 to 2001, she served as a program coordinator and deputy head of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation’s office in Jerusalem and as a research associate at SWP from 1995 to 2000.

Selected Publications:
The Challenge of Islamists for EU and US Policies: Conflict, Stability and Reform (Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2007) (ed with Daniel Brumberg); EU Policies Towards the Palestinian Government–Neither State Building nor Democratization, Stefan Lütgenau (ed); Human Rights and a Middle East Peace Process: Analyses and Case Studies from a New Perspective (Innsbruck u.a.: Studien Verlag, 2007) pp. 278-284; In the Aftermath of the Palestinian Parliamentary Elections: How to Deal with Hamas? (Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2006).

Ph.D., Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany.
Arabic, English, French, German

All work from Muriel Asseburg

7 Results
Governing Gaza After the War
February 29, 2024

What will be the fate of Gazans, who will govern them, and how? What role do regional and global powers play? How can the international community take steps toward a more peaceful future for all involved? Join our panel of experts on different perspectives towards governing Gaza.

Governing Gaza After the War: The International Perspectives

Experts analyze critical issues on what happens after the fighting abates, from global points of view.

· February 26, 2024
The Oil Boom in the GCC Countries: Old Challenges, Changing Dynamics

To meet long-term domestic challenges, oil-producing Gulf States should focus on improving economic governance to better manage diminishing oil revenues and attract foreign investment.

· March 18, 2009
European Conflict Management in the Middle East: Toward a More Effective Approach

For the EU to be an effective player in the Middle East, it should seek an efficient division of labor with the United States and pursue greater political engagement in the Palestinian territories, Syria, and Lebanon.

· March 5, 2009
The EU and Conflict in the Middle East
November 26, 2008

The situation in the Middle East is set to deteriorate. The European policy community assessed past European action in the region, lessons learnt, and a future strategy.

Engaging Europe on Behalf of Middle East Peace

Europe is hoping that President-elect Obama and his administration will make Arab-Israeli peace a top foreign policy priority, and approach the issue with pragmatism.

· November 11, 2008
EU Policies towards Hamas Frustrate Policy Aims

The European Union approach towards the government led by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) formed in March 2006 has been one of isolation; the EU and its member states have refused dialogue, at least on an official level, and have withdrawn budget support.

· August 19, 2008