Memduh Karakullukçu

All work from Memduh Karakullukçu

4 Results
What Do You Expect From Vladimir Putin’s Visit to Turkey?

In view of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Turkey, Eurasia Outlook asked a few of the authors of the recent paper on Russian-Turkish cooperation what to expect from this visit.

  • +2
· December 1, 2014
Exploring the Prospects for Russian-Turkish Cooperation
October 16, 2014

Russia and Turkey share many important interests, providing them with opportunities for valuable collaboration and cooperation in their common neighborhood, which stretches from the South Caucasus and the Levant to Central Asia and Afghanistan.

  • +5
Exploring the Prospects for Russian-Turkish Cooperation in a Turbulent Neighborhood

Even though tensions over Ukraine will inevitably cast a shadow over the bilateral relationship, Russia and Turkey—a NATO member—continue to share a range of important interests.

· September 28, 2014
Turkey’s Energy Strategy: Weathering Uncertainties
November 18, 2013

A regional conflict in Syria and a fast-expanding economy are pushing Turkey to embrace new energy strategies, focusing on new technologies and a realignment of partnerships.