Linton Brooks

All work from Linton Brooks

5 Results
U.S.-Russia Dialogue on Full Scope Strategic Stability
November 9, 2017

The Carnegie Moscow Center hosted a forum on November 9th discussing the impact of technological challenges on strategic stability.

  • +1
  • Raymond Jeanloz
  • Steven Fetter
  • Sergey Oznobishchev
  • Linton Brooks
Chinese Nuclear Thinking: U.S. Perspectives
May 5, 2016

Chinese nuclear experts think about nuclear weapons very differently from their U.S. counterparts. How can Washington and Beijing promote an effective dialogue despite their disparate approaches?

Naval Nuclear Dynamics in the Indian Ocean
April 9, 2015

As India and Pakistan develop their naval nuclear forces, some experts fear a potentially volatile maritime environment in the Indian Ocean.

Confidence-Building and Maritime Strategic Stability in the Asia-Pacific
February 11, 2015

With China developing sea-based nuclear missiles and the United States bolstering its antisubmarine capabilities, the region needs confidence-building measures to enhance strategic stability.

  • +5
  • Tong Zhao
  • Linton Brooks
  • Philipp Bleek
  • Gu Guoliang
  • Hu Yumin
  • Fan Gaoyue
  • Fan Jishe
  • Han Hua
The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START): What Should the Follow-Up Be?
September 4, 2008

The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), an integral part of the bilateral nuclear relationship between Russia and the United States, will expire in December 2009. To discuss what should replace the treaty, the Carnegie Moscow Center hosted Ambassador Linton Brooks, the United States’ chief negotiator during the 1991 START talks.

  • Linton Brooks