Claire Dennis

All work from Claire Dennis

1 Results
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The Future of International Scientific Assessments of AI’s Risks

Managing the risks of artificial intelligence will require international coordination among many actors with different interests, values, and perceptions.

  • +21
  • Hadrien Pouget
  • Claire Dennis
  • Jon Bateman
  • Robert Trager
  • Renan Araujo
  • Haydn Belfield
  • Belinda Cleeland
  • Malou Estier
  • Gideon Futerman
  • Oliver Guest
  • Carlos Ignacio Gutierrez
  • Vishnu Kannan
  • Casey Mahoney
  • Matthijs Maas
  • Charles Martinet
  • Jakob Mökander
  • Kwan Yee Ng
  • Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh
  • Aidan Peppin
  • Konrad Seifert
  • Scott Singer
  • Maxime Stauffer
  • Caleb Withers
  • Marta Ziosi
· August 27, 2024