Nuclear Energy
Strategic Asia 2013-14: Asia in the Second Nuclear Age

It is important to understand the role of nuclear weapons in the grand strategies of key Asian states and the impact of these capabilities—both established and latent—on regional and international stability.

· October 2, 2013
National Bureau of Asian Research
In the Media
Pakistan’s Next Chinese Reactor

Pakistani luminaries met with Chinese luminaries a few months ago, and their handshake will translate into a brand new 1,000-MW power reactor–Kanupp-2–being plunked down into the middle of Pakistan’s mega-metropolis Karachi.

· September 28, 2013
Arms Control Wonk
The U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue: Forging the Next Phase of Cooperation

Upcoming strategic talks offer an opportunity to cultivate personal ties and shape the future of U.S.-India relations.

· June 20, 2013
In the Media
Seoul's Nukes

The United States will have trouble keeping South Korea from going nuclear if it can't contain the threat from Pyongyang.

· April 10, 2013
Indian Express
In the Media
Looking Beyond the Boundaries

Chinese nuclear companies should explore overseas project opportunities by teaming up with leading international players.

· November 2, 2012
China Daily
A Discussion With TEPCO About Carnegie's Fukushima Paper

After the release of Carnegie's study, entitled "Why Fukushima Was Preventable," TEPCO responded to some of the claims made in the report.

· October 22, 2012
October 22