North Africa
Inaugural Forum on Technology, Innovation, and International Affairs
May 12, 2016

A discussion of the global geopolitical landscape, and the dramatic impact of technology and innovation as in shaping our world today and into the future.

  • +17
China’s Eurasia Strategy: Central Asia, AfPak, and Middle East
September 24, 2013

China’s President Xi Jinping recently toured the Central Asian republics, offering energy and transportation infrastructure contracts. This continues China’s strong push into a region formerly dominated by Moscow and courted off and on by Washington.

Nonproliferation and Arms Control in the Middle East: China’s Role in Current Trends
July 8, 2013

The Middle East will continue to remain a focus in arms control efforts even as the United States gradually withdraws from the region.

What a Changing Middle East Means for China

As sectarian strife embroils the Middle East in conflict and the United States gradually withdraws from the area, it is time for China to start pulling its weight on issues of regional stability.

  • David Schenker
· July 1, 2013
Political Instability and U.S. Strategy in the Middle East
May 29, 2013

Despite its rebalancing toward Asia, the Middle East remains a key priority for the United States.