In the Media
European Nations Must Come Together on Chinese Investment

As Europe becomes a preferred playing field for Chinese foreign direct investment, leaders of bloc nations have been drawn into a debate on the creation of a long-anticipated screening mechanism.

· October 11, 2017
Nikkei Asian Review
In the Media
The Iran Deal is Working. Here’s How We Know.

Fundamentally, it seems irrational to leave an agreement that’s working today out of a fixation on potential growth of Iran’s nuclear program more than a decade from now, when such growth could happen tomorrow if we unravel the agreement.

· September 29, 2017
Washington Post
In the Media
On North Korea Policy, Iran Tensions, and Why Hillary Lost

Increased tensions between the United States and Iran over the last couple days, along with U.S. President Donald Trump’s calls to end the Iran Nuclear Deal, could put Iran on the same path as North Korea as an imminent threat potentially needing military consideration.

· August 9, 2017
CBS This Morning
Nuclear Diplomacy: From Iran to North Korea?

If anything were needed to underline how much safer the Iran deal has made the United States, the menace of North Korea’s nuclear development surely qualifies.

· July 12, 2017
New York Review of Books
In the Media
Does the World Still Need U.S. Leadership?

The 2017 G20 summit exposed the United States' isolation on the key issues of climate and trade.

· July 9, 2017
Al Jazeera
A New Transatlantic Security Bargain

Europe may need to start planning for defense of the continent without the United States, but first it should do its utmost to prevent Trump from turning his back on NATO.

· May 23, 2017