Tatiana Mitrova


Dr. Tatiana Mitrova is a Research Fellow at the Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia University.

All work from Tatiana Mitrova

5 Results
Can Russia’s War Chest Withstand the New Oil Cap?

The Russian economy is hardly likely to collapse as a result of the decline in oil revenues. What the decline certainly will impact is Russia’s development and long-term investment in new projects. In a decade, the energy superpower status Russia had claimed will be firmly in the past.

· December 14, 2022
Is Russia Finally Ready to Tackle Climate Change?

In theory, climate change and green energy are areas in which there is scope for joint international projects, new investment, and the transfer of green technology to Russia. Yet drastic differences in targets set and regulatory frameworks make such an optimistic scenario unlikely.

· July 27, 2021
Neither U.S. Candidate Bodes Well for Russia’s Energy Market

The Republican and Democratic candidates have fundamentally opposite views on developing the energy sector, but whoever wins—and for different reasons—it won't be good news for Russia’s oil and gas industry.

· November 2, 2020
Steady State: Russian Foreign Policy After Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has hastened the arrival of a new era of bipolarity. The short essays in this panoramic collection examine the various implications of the pandemic for Russia’s foreign relations.

Western Sanctions on Russia’s Oil and Gas Sector: a Damage Assessment

Don’t be misled by Western sanctions’ limited impact on Russia. In reality, they operate with an accumulating effect: the more time passes, the greater the potential technological backlog, financing gap, and negative consequences will be. In the long run, sanctions may jeopardize Russia’s oil and gas production volumes and the development of pipeline infrastructure, gradually squeezing the country out of foreign markets, limiting its export revenues, and undermining the stability of the Russian economy.

· July 25, 2018