Shreya Ramann


Shreya Ramann is a lawyer currently working as a senior associate at Trilegal in the Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) Practice. She is a graduate of NLU Delhi. Her research interests are technology law and policy.

All work from Shreya Ramann

2 Results
AI for All, Beyond the Global North: India’s Opportunity?

For India to lead in AI governance, a comprehensive strategy is necessary, considering its relatively limited foundational capacity for AI infrastructure compared to other jurisdictions that have begun setting norms.

· November 27, 2023
Data Governance, Asian Alternatives: How India and Korea Are Creating New Models and Policies

Many observers posit that a stark contest between democracy and autocracy will shape the governance of technology and data. But two Asian democracies, India and Korea, are carving out distinctive paths on data policy, not just following Western or Chinese models.