Otaviano Canuto
World Bank

All work from Otaviano Canuto

2 Results
Can Developing Countries Continue to Lead Global Growth?

Developing countries are emerging as the new engine of global growth, but this success has led to new challenges that policy makers must overcome if their countries are to continue driving the world economy forward.

  • Otaviano Canuto
· January 20, 2011
Export-Led Growth as a Tool for Financing Development: Is the Financial Crisis Revealing its Limits?
June 29, 2009

The global economic crisis is making painfully evident to the developing world the limitations of overdependence on a narrow set of exports and markets.

  • +5
  • Eduardo Zepeda
  • Aldo Caliari
  • Otaviano Canuto
  • Marco James Kassaja
  • James Kiiru
  • Jorge Mattar
  • Terry McKinley
  • Luciana Mermet