Nicole Ng
Research Assistant, Russia and Eurasia Program

All work from Nicole Ng

3 Results
The West Fears Russia’s Hybrid Warfare. They’re Missing the Bigger Picture.

Focusing on Russia’s new style of hybrid warfare alone is a misguided interpretation of how the Kremlin wields power.

· July 3, 2019
Collision Avoidance: The Lessons of U.S. and Russian Operations in Syria

During both Obama’s and Trump’s time in office, the Kremlin has demonstrated a remarkable knack for filling the vacuums created by U.S. policymakers in the Middle East and beyond, usually on the cheap.

· March 20, 2019
Cooperation and Competition: Russia and China in Central Asia, the Russian Far East, and the Arctic

Engagement in Central Asia, the Russian Far East, and the Arctic has tested Russia’s and China’s abilities to manage their differences and translate the rhetoric of partnership into tangible gains.

· February 28, 2018