Morton Halperin

All work from Morton Halperin

3 Results
Nuclear Order—Build or Break
April 6, 2009

An exploration of the key questions arising from the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States and the new Carnegie book, Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: A Debate.

  • +2
  • George Perkovich
  • Amb. Linton Brooks
  • Morton Halperin
  • Brad Roberts
  • Achilles Zaluar
Is the League of Democracies a good idea?
May 29, 2008

The greatest challenges the United States faces—including nuclear proliferation, energy, Iraq, Middle East peace, and climate change—all require close U.S. cooperation with autocratic regimes. As a result, the proposed League of Democracies would unnecessarily antagonize and alienate countries central to the future of U.S. foreign policy.

  • +1
The Millennium Challenge Corporation and Democracy Promotion
December 6, 2007

Since the pursuit of economic development and deepening democracy are complementary goals, there should be a long-term processes of democratic development that involves incentives for democratic reform and putting existing domestic democratic institutions to work.

  • +2
  • Ambassador John J. Danilovich
  • Alicia Mandaville
  • Morton Halperin
  • Jennifer Windsor
  • Thomas Carothers