Marianna Belenkaya


Marianna Belenkaya is an expert on Arab affairs and a journalist at the Kommersant publishing house.

All work from Marianna Belenkaya

4 Results
In Libya’s War, Russia Is Directionless—and Falling Behind

At some level, Russia’s approach to the war in Libya seems successful. Yet Russia can only achieve so much without a clear idea of what its interests in Libya are and what the country is good for beyond a demonstration of the influence Moscow has gained by intervening militarily in Syria—possibilities that are shrinking as the United States turns its attention anew to the country’s years-long war.

· August 31, 2020
Steady State: Russian Foreign Policy After Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has hastened the arrival of a new era of bipolarity. The short essays in this panoramic collection examine the various implications of the pandemic for Russia’s foreign relations.

The Iran Crisis Can Be a Boost for Russia

If Syria becomes the setting for a clash between Washington and Tehran, this could be a major problem for Moscow. Until now—and not without Soleimani’s help—Moscow had always managed to find a compromise with the pro-Iran forces in Syria. It’s not clear how the situation will develop now.

· January 7, 2020
Should the United States Be Worried About Russian Activity in the Gulf?

Considering the prospects for trade, Washington shouldn’t yet be concerned by the growth of Russian influence in the Gulf. It’s obvious, however, that Arab countries are being increasingly proactive in diversifying their connections. Moscow is simply making use of this to gain economic and political advantages.

· October 21, 2019