Mariana Budjeryn


Dr. Mariana Budjeryn is a research associate at the Project of Managing the Atom at the Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center. She is currently working on a book about Ukraine’s nuclear disarmament.

All work from Mariana Budjeryn

2 Results
Should Ukraine Have Kept Nuclear Weapons? Deconstructing the Decision to Disarm
February 15, 2024

In 1994, Ukraine relinquished Soviet nuclear weapons. Since Russia’s 2022 invasion, critics have asked– was Ukraine’s decision to denuclearize a mistake? Would nuclear weapons have deterred Russia? What lessons does the Ukraine case impart for other states that might contemplate nuclear possession?

Nuclear Shades of Red Racism

Discussions of racial injustice in the United States are shaking the public sphere, but racism, injustice, and discrimination are not prerogatives of the West. They ride on the back of power disparities the world over.

  • Togzhan Kassenova
· September 24, 2020