Mareike Transfeld

All work from Mareike Transfeld

4 Results
Shuyyukh, Policemen and Supervisors: Yemen’s Competing Security Providers

In Yemen, many new and traditional security providers operate and compete at the local level. Changes in security governance result in quick political fragmentation and reordering of security relations.

  • Ahmed Nagi
  • Eleonora Ardemagni
  • Mareike Transfeld
· March 27, 2020
Italian Institute for International Political Studies
Peace and State Fragmentation in Yemen

As local actors strengthen their influence, the fragmentation of Yemen is becoming a more urgent threat for peace talks and Yemenis’ wishes.

  • Mareike Transfeld
· November 22, 2019
Iran’s Small Hand in Yemen

Iranian support for the Houthis has been marginal and does not shape their decisionmaking as much as local alliances and conflict dynamics do.

  • Mareike Transfeld
· February 14, 2017
Houthis on the Rise in Yemen

Although the Houthis are well-poised to acquire new territories and increase their influence within Yemen, neither development will bring about peace or prosperity for the country.

  • Mareike Transfeld
· October 31, 2014