Kirk H. Sowell

All work from Kirk H. Sowell

31 Results
Will a Biden Administration “Build Back Better” in the Middle East?

Sada asked experts to analyze potential flash points for the next U.S. administration—ranging from the globalization of Libya’s war to the ongoing conflicts in Syria and Yemen, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and increasing authoritarianism and violations of civil liberties and human rights.

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· November 10, 2020
Iraq’s Dire Fiscal Crisis

Iraq’s Prime Minister inherited a series of fiscal crises. As his interim government struggles to advert a complete economic collapse, austerity measures may come at the expense of much-needed reforms.

· November 2, 2020
Looming Challenges for Iraq’s New Government

Iraq’s new Prime Minister-designate Adnan al-Zurfi faces opposition amid a political, fiscal, and, now, global pandemic crisis.

· April 2, 2020
Iraq’s Democracy Under a Cloud

Rife with election fraud, Iraq’s political system has sparked widespread protests one year after the country’s previous national election.

· October 30, 2019
The Stalled Effort to Expel U.S. Troops From Iraq

A push to pass a bill expelling U.S. troops from Iraq, a constitutionally questionable move, has presented an unnecessary headache for Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi.

· April 4, 2019
Partisan Bickering Over Iraq’s Cabinet

Without a functional coalition, Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Adbul-Mahdi may be forced to rely more on unilateral executive decrees, exacerbating the country’s institutional crisis.

· February 7, 2019
A Fractured Iraqi Cabinet

Although Iraq’s political blocs have agreed on a new prime minister, the lack of a coherent coalition shows the incoming government’s inherent weakness.

· November 8, 2018
Razzaz’s Rough Road

Like Hani al-Mulki, Omar al-Razzaz comes into office with a mandate to address economic issues that are beyond the Jordanian government’s ability to resolve.

· June 19, 2018
Understanding Sadr’s Victory

Amid low turnout in Iraq’s elections, the Sadrists’ active voter base helped them win Baghdad.

· May 17, 2018
Abadi’s Struggle to Maintain Campaign Narratives

Losing control of his campaign narratives, Iraq’s incumbent prime minister is facing questions about his credentials on nationalism, security, and public services.

· April 18, 2018