Kenichiro Sasae

All work from Kenichiro Sasae

3 Results
Japan in 2021: A Look at the Year Ahead
January 13, 2021

Challenges, opportunities, and major events await Japan in 2021, notably related to its recovery from the global pandemic, hosting of the delayed Summer Olympics, the beginnings of the Suga and Biden administrations, and various geopolitical and security developments.

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Turning Nuclear Swords Into Plowshares in North Korea
October 5, 2018

A half-day conference—featuring scholars and former officials from Japan, the United States, and South Korea—will examine practical denuclearization options that can enhance collective security and contribute to a more stable foundation for regional peace.

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U.S.-Japan Strategies for Supporting Myanmar
February 25, 2014

The political and economic transformation underway in Myanmar is an important strategic opportunity for the United States and Japan, given the country’s potential impact on the establishment of a stable and prosperous order in Asia based on democratic values and market-based economic policies.

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