Jean Kassir

All work from Jean Kassir

4 Results
Cutting the Gordian Knot of Lebanon’s Power-Sharing System
September 8, 2020

Lebanon’s current power-sharing system, a product of the 1989 Taif Accord that brought an end to the country’s fifteen-year civil war, has proven to be the greatest hinderance to good governance.

  • +2
Lebanon at a Crossroads: Is Real Reform Possible?
June 17, 2020

As Lebanon continues to flatten the coronavirus curve and as the country opens up again, the protest movement is largely expected to make a comeback, with protestors again voicing demands for an independent judiciary, accountability, early parliamentary elections, and financial reform—among others.

  • +1
  • Lara Bitar
  • Alia Ibrahim
  • Jean Kassir
  • Maha Yahya
Unheard Voices: What Syrian Refugees Need to Return Home

As the living conditions for Syrian refugees worsen and the risks of going home mount, the notion of a voluntary return is rapidly losing meaning.

· April 16, 2018
Coming Home? A Political Settlement in Syria Must Focus on Refugees

A sustainable political settlement to end the multiple conflicts in Syria will not be possible without a real focus on the challenges of refugee returns.

· March 30, 2017