Hanan Ashrawi

All work from Hanan Ashrawi

3 Results
What Lies Ahead for Palestinians?
June 12, 2023

The Palestinian national movement is in crisis. Divided between a Hamas-controlled Gaza and a Palestinian Authority that has lost credibility with the West Bank population it partially controls, the movement lacks not only cohesion but an effective strategy to bring about an end to Israeli occupation.

Is a Sovereign Palestine Still Possible?
October 11, 2018

What will the recent changes in U.S. policy—including recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, terminating assistance to Palestinians and UNRWA, and closing the Palestinian representative office in Washington—mean for the future of U.S.-Palestinian relations and the Palestinian national project?

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Palestine and the Arab Spring
May 27, 2011

The transformation underway in the Middle East has already affected Palestine by facilitating reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas, but the impact could grow in the coming months. What are the implications of the Arab Spring for Palestine and the search for peace in the Middle East?