Ghassan Salamé
The Paris Institute of Political Studies


Ghassan is a former Lebanese minister of culture, previous head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, and emeritus professor of international relations at the Paris Institute of Political Studies.

All work from Ghassan Salamé

2 Results
Navigating a Turbulent Future? What to Expect in 2022
December 8, 2021

The Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center will be holding its fifth annual conference on Wednesday, December 8, and Thursday, December 9, 2021, to delve deeper into what to expect in 2022.

  • +28
Libya and the New Global Disorder: A Conversation with Ghassan Salamé
October 15, 2020

Foreign states have long meddled in Libya’s post-2011 conflicts, but this latest phase of the civil war has seen intensified military interventions by Russia, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates, all in violation of a UN arms embargo. Why have diplomatic efforts to end the proxy war failed?