Georgy Toloraya

All work from Georgy Toloraya

6 Results
Northeast Asia after Hanoi: In Search for Regional Security
March 21, 2019

The Carnegie Moscow Center organized a discussion on northeast Asia security issues.

  • Alexander Gabuev
  • +2
What’s Next for the Korean Peninsula: Russian and U.S. Perspectives
May 22, 2018

Carnegie Moscow Center and the Korea Foundation organized a seminar on the current state of affairs on the Korean Peninsula, and relations between the United States, Russia, China, and the ROK.

Great Power Competition and Cooperation on the Korean Peninsula
April 12, 2018

Carnegie Moscow Center and Korea Foundation organized a public event on the current state of affairs on the Korean Peninsula, and relations between the United States, Russia, China, and the ROK.

  • Alexander Gabuev
Looming Security Crisis in Northeast Asia: Perceptions from Japan and Russia
March 14, 2017

Carnegie Moscow Center hosted a seminar on pressing security challenges in Northeast Asia, including the recent developments on the Korean Peninsula and possible strategies for Japan and Russia to address these issues.

  • Alexander Gabuev
Military Alert on the Korean Peninsula: Time for Some Conclusions

Tension on the Korean Peninsula has increased since North Korean leader Kim Jong-un came to power in 2011. To prevent destabilization, Moscow needs to pursue a more active Korea policy.

  • Alexander Vorontsov
  • Georgy Toloraya
· April 25, 2014
Nuclear Reset: Arms Reduction and Nonproliferation
March 17, 2011

Nuclear disarmament faded from media attention after the New START agreement was signed, but it remains a challenge for the world.

  • +3
  • Roland Timerbayev
  • Sergei Oznobishchev
  • Alexander Kalyadin
  • Georgy Toloraya
  • Yevgeny Myasnikov
  • Alexey Arbatov