Gaurav Kampani

All work from Gaurav Kampani

5 Results
Space Weapons and Security in South Asia
November 7, 2016

India’s growing space and anti-satellite technologies will have important implications in South Asia and beyond. How countries respond to these technologies could impact the existing nuclear balance in the region.

  • +2
India’s Evolving Civil-Military Institutions in an Operational Nuclear Context

Unless India’s conventional and nuclear commands closely coordinate their operations planning, an Indian nuclear response threatens either to be unsuccessful or to escalate out of control.

  • Gaurav Kampani
· June 30, 2016
The Wisdom of a Grand Nuclear Bargain With Pakistan

Policy options for a potential grand nuclear bargain between the U.S. and Pakistan remain a contested topic of discourse with serious implications for regional cooperation and security.

· December 14, 2015
Atlantic Council Discussion
The China-India Nuclear Crossroads
October 2, 2012

As China and India’s nuclear and conventional capabilities evolve, there is a growing need to establish an open dialogue to overcome misperceptions and opacity surrounding each country’s nuclear posture.

  • +2
Piggybacking Anti-Satellite Technologies on Ballistic Missile Defense: India’s Hedge and Demonstrate Approach

While India's space program has largely been civilian-run, the country's military is increasingly interested in expanding operations to defend against threats to its space assets.

  • Bharath Gopalaswamy
  • Gaurav Kampani
· April 19, 2011