Fan Jishe

All work from Fan Jishe

6 Results
Missile Defense and U.S.-China Strategic Stability
July 10, 2019

Given the difficulty of achieving the complete denuclearization of North Korea in the near term, the United States and its allies in the Asia-Pacific have strong incentives to continue building their missile defense capabilities.

  • +2
Chinese Thinking on Nuclear Weapons
October 6, 2015

How does China think about nuclear weapons issues?

  • Pan Zhenqiang
  • Fan Jishe
  • Li Bin
Strategic Stability Among Asia’s Major Powers
July 5, 2015

Asia’s nuclear powers must continue to maintain regional strategic stability to prevent security tensions from escalating.

  • +3
Confidence-Building and Maritime Strategic Stability in the Asia-Pacific
February 11, 2015

With China developing sea-based nuclear missiles and the United States bolstering its antisubmarine capabilities, the region needs confidence-building measures to enhance strategic stability.

  • +5
  • Tong Zhao
  • Linton Brooks
  • Philipp Bleek
  • Gu Guoliang
  • Hu Yumin
  • Fan Gaoyue
  • Fan Jishe
  • Han Hua
China and India’s Nuclear Energy Policy
June 3, 2011

China and India have vast energy demands and civil nuclear programs. In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear crisis in Japan, nuclear safety and security will play a major role in both countries’ nuclear evolution and cooperation in the years to come.

  • +10
  • Lora Saalman
  • V.S. Arunachalam
  • Gu Zhongmao
  • Zhou Zhiwei
  • R. Rajaraman
  • Li Hong
  • Rajesh Rajagopalan
  • Swaran Singh
  • Zou Yunhua
  • Fan Jishe
  • Dipankar Banerjee
  • Zhang Li
  • Cheng Ruisheng
Arms Control Spring in Beijing
July 8, 2010

China plays an increasingly important role in achieving a number of the goals for disarmament and nonproliferation contained within the U.S. Nuclear Posture Review and the Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference.

  • +5