Eric Hutchins


Eric Hutchins is a security engineer investigator on Meta’s influence operations team. During his nineteen-year career at Lockheed Martin, he co-authored the seminal Intrusions Kill Chain white paper, forged partnerships across industry and government, and founded the premiere enterprise network defense and insider threat team, LM-CIRT. He was the youngest engineer ever to achieve the seniormost rank of Lockheed Martin fellow. In 2021, he brought his net defense mindset to Meta and to a different problem space of countering influence operations.

All work from Eric Hutchins

1 Results
Phase-based Tactical Analysis of Online Operations

A new model for analyzing online threats could help investigators detect and disrupt malicious operations more quickly—and enable them to better share their insights and understanding with one another.

  • Ben Nimmo
  • Eric Hutchins
· March 16, 2023