Dominik P. Jankowski

All work from Dominik P. Jankowski

4 Results
How to Save the Open Skies Treaty

The multilateral arms control agreement that allows countries to fly unarmed surveillance aircraft over each other’s territory cannot afford to be torn up—but only a big transatlantic effort can save it.

  • Dominik P. Jankowski
· January 9, 2020
The Secret of a Good NATO Summit

Military substance has proven to be more important than fiery speeches and digital rhetoric. Let’s see if this NATO summit will prove it.

  • Dominik P. Jankowski
· July 11, 2018
A Chance for Peace in Ukraine?

The proposed UN peacekeeping mission to Ukraine needs a combination of Western sticks and carrots. Diplomacy is not enough.

· February 5, 2018
NATO-Russia Relations in a Post-Truth World

Moscow has made an extraordinary effort to undermine the coherence and unity of NATO. The alliance should respond with a series of measures to improve relations.

  • Dominik P. Jankowski
· January 26, 2017