Daniel Korski

All work from Daniel Korski

5 Results
Next Generation NATO: A Conversation With Madeleine Albright & Jeroen van der Veer
May 17, 2010

Following consultations which began in September 2009, the NATO-appointed Group of Experts chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, presented its findings on the Alliance’s future to NATO Secretary General Rasmussen and members of the North Atlantic Council on May 17th.

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In the Media
Can Afghans Still Count on the EU?

The EU should commit itself to a ‘civilian surge', but with Afghan rather than European civilians.

· September 3, 2009
The European Voice
NATO: Under New Leadership

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO's new Secretary-General, must provide transformational leadership, not just status-quo management, for the alliance to bridge the chasm between its ambitions and its capacities.

· August 4, 2009
In the Media
Take EU Pakistan Policy Off Autopilot

The EU-Pakistan summit should mark the beginning of a new strategic partnership that helps Islamabad deal with its immediate crisis and helps transform a weakened state into a modern Muslim democracy.

· June 15, 2009
European Voice
Obama’s Afghanistan and Pakistan Strategy – Where Now for Europe?
May 5, 2009

Returning from Afghanistan, Gilles Dorronsoro shared his observations on Afghan perceptions of Obama’s new strategy, and the implications for Europe.

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