Carla Hills

All work from Carla Hills

2 Results
Seventh Annual Former USTR Seminar
February 7, 2007

Carnegie hosted the seventh annual seminar of former U.S. trade representatives with presentations on current and future U.S. trade policy issues by Ambassadors Carla Hills, Mickey Kantor, Clayton Yeutter, Charlene Barshefsky, Bill Eberle, and Senator William Brock. Carnegie Senior Associate Sherman Katz moderated the event.

  • +5
Reflections on Regionalism: Report of the Study Group on International Trade

Reflections on Regionalism: Report of the Study Group on International Trade

  • +4
  • Gene Grossman
  • John Jackson
  • Pedro Noyola
  • Michael Wilson
  • Julius Katz
  • José Córdoba
  • Carla Hills
· July 1, 1997
Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1997