Antoine Bouet

All work from Antoine Bouet

1 Results
The Doha Round and Trade in Agricultural Products: Who Are the Losers and What Should Be Done?
September 5, 2006

Discussants explored the impact of trade liberalization on small-scale farming and discussed trade and domestic policies that could improve outcomes for poor farmers.

  • +15
  • Sandra Polaski
  • Henri Rouille d'Orfeuil
  • Antoine Bouet
  • Jean-Marc Boussard
  • Dominique Van der Mensbrugghe
  • Jason Hafemeister
  • Sherman Katz
  • Jean-Marc Trarieux
  • Alexandra Strickner
  • Anne Wagner
  • Anil Singh
  • Daniel Lederman
  • Germano Batista
  • Cheryl Morden
  • Marcel Groleau
  • Vore Seck
  • K.S. Gopal
  • Arlene Alpha