Анна Корппоо

All work from Анна Корппоо

2 Results
A Climate Vision for Russia: From Rhetoric to Action

The Kremlin’s climate change path boils down to political will—and whether climate change is considered important enough—as well as its ability to engage in serious strategic thinking and policy preparation.

· August 1, 2012
Climate Policy After Durban: Prospects for the Russian Economy
January 26, 2012

Russia has pulled out of quantitative commitments to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. However, as one of the world’s most energy-intensive economies, Russia has a potentially significant role to play in reducing climate change.

  • +7
  • Alexander Averchenkov
  • Федор Веселов
  • Владимир Литвак
  • Олег Плужников
  • Mikhail Yulkin
  • Анна Корппоо
  • Олег Шаманов
  • Alexei Kokorin
  • Anna Bessonova
  • Алиса Никулина