Andrew Miller
Nonresident Scholar, Middle East Program


Andrew Miller is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Andrew Miller was a nonresident scholar in Carnegie’s Middle East Program and the deputy director for policy at the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED). His research focuses on U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East and North Africa, with a particular emphasis on Egypt, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Gulf, and regional security.

Miller worked on the Middle East and North Africa in the U.S. government from 2008 to 2017. From 2014 to 2017, he served as the director for Egypt and Israel Military Issues on President Obama’s National Security Council, where he was involved in deliberations regarding U.S. security assistance to Egypt and Israel and Middle East peace, among other issues. Miller previously worked at the U.S. Department of State in a variety of intelligence and policy roles, including in the Bureau of Intelligence and Research and on the secretary of state’s Policy Planning Staff. He also served at the U.S. embassies in Cairo and Doha. 

All work from Andrew Miller

22 Results
Does U.S. Democracy Promotion Have a Future in the Arab World?
February 27, 2020

Amid civil wars, proxy rivalries, and seemingly entrenched authoritarianism, U.S. policies of democracy promotion in the Arab world are facing unprecedented challenges. Does the U.S. advancement of democracy in the Arab world have any future?

  • +2
In The Media
in the media
Jeff Bezos Phone Hack: Saudis ‘in a Difficult Spot’

Saudi Arabia has called claims that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was responsible for hacking Amazon boss Jeff Bezos’ phone ‘absurd’.

· January 23, 2020
On Iran, Momentary Relief Amid Trump’s Failed Policy

The escalating conflict between the United States and Iran seems to be cooling off. But any relief may be short-lived.

· January 8, 2020
In the Media
Trump Is Not Really Pro-Israel—He’s Pro-Trump

While Trump’s policies have been popular in Israel, his record is far less “pro-Israel” than it appears on the surface.

· December 11, 2019
Foreign Policy
Dividing the Nile

Egypt can benefit from U.S. assistance to better manage its national water resources.

· November 6, 2019
Nine Reasons Why Declaring the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Organization Would Be a Mistake

U.S. President Donald Trump wishes to designate the Muslim Brotherhood, a collection of loosely affiliated Islamist groups, as a terrorist organization. Here is why that would be deeply unwise.

Name Calling

Nine reasons why the likely U.S. decision to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization may backfire.

In the Media
Trump’s Support for Haftar Won’t Help Libya

The United States should be working to help negotiate peace in Libya rather than fanning the flames of another failed war.

· April 24, 2019
Foreign Policy
Worse Than Mubarak

Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is bringing a new form of totalitarianism to Egypt.

· February 27, 2019
Foreign Policy
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Is Not a Bankruptcy Sale

It is clear that President Trump’s proposal for Israel and Palestine will not be the “deal of the century.” But if it disqualifies the United States from playing a future role in promoting Israeli-Palestinian peace it could prove to be one of the follies of the century.

· January 23, 2019