How the United States Can—and Should—Continue to Support Tunisia

Washington may be tempted to give up after Tunis’s democratic backsliding, but instead it should use targeted actions that have worked in other countries.

· May 4, 2023
Any Israel-Palestine Solution Must Put Rights First

Attempts to end the conflict can no longer ignore equal rights and instead must be the guiding light.

· March 20, 2023
A Road Map to Civilian Rule If Sudan’s Military Putschists Retreat

Protesters in Sudan and external supporters of the country’s democratic transition should move beyond preserving the status quo to reset the balance between the civilian and military authorities.

· November 3, 2021
Can There Be Freedom, Prosperity, and Democracy for Gaza?

U.S. President Joe Biden says he wants “equal measures of freedom, prosperity, and democracy” for Gaza. What steps can he take to achieve that in practice?

· May 27, 2021
Slightly Dialing Back the Cynicism About Palestine’s Upcoming Elections

Holding elections wouldn't solve all the problems Palestinians face, but they could lead to a semblance of unity, or at least modest signs of renewal and better coordination

· March 4, 2021
What Oman’s Constitutional Change Means for Omanis

In an unexpected constitutional decree, Oman’s new sultan created a crown prince position and reconfigured the powers of the country’s two-chamber assembly. But to create real change, he would have to empower the consultative council to truly represent citizens.

· January 14, 2021