Amb. Linton Brooks

All work from Amb. Linton Brooks

2 Results
Verification: Common Ground and Emerging Controversies
April 6, 2009

Experts discuss what common ground on verification is emerging, what disputes appear likely, and if a new relationship can be forged between intelligence gathering and verification regimes.

  • +2
  • James M. Acton
  • Patricia Lewis
  • Amb. Linton Brooks
  • James Doyle
  • Angela Woodward
Nuclear Order—Build or Break
April 6, 2009

An exploration of the key questions arising from the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States and the new Carnegie book, Abolishing Nuclear Weapons: A Debate.

  • +2
  • George Perkovich
  • Amb. Linton Brooks
  • Morton Halperin
  • Brad Roberts
  • Achilles Zaluar