
Myanmar’s Ethnic, Communal, and Human Rights Challenges and the 2015 Elections

Wed. July 22nd, 2015
Washington, DC

Myanmar’s upcoming 2015 elections will be an important milestone in the country’s struggle to define itself as it goes through profound economic and political change. Yet its transition to democracy is challenged by deep internal ethnic and communal fault lines and a legacy of human rights abuses. 

How will the country’s record in dealing with these challenges influence the elections? How should they be addressed by the post-2015 administration? What should be the international community’s stance toward these issues? A panel of Myanmar experts will address these and other related questions. Carnegie’s Vikram Nehru will moderate.

This event is part of Carnegie’s “Myanmar Votes 2015” project which is being co-sponsored by the Asia Society Policy Institute and the Southeast Asian Studies Department of the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies. 

Christina Fink

Christina Fink is a cultural anthropologist who is a professor of practice in international affairs at George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs.

Susan Hayward

Susan Hayward directs the efforts of the United States Institute of Peace to advance conflict prevention, resolution and reconciliation projects targeting the religious sector, and coordinates the Institute’s overall programming in Myanmar.

Kelley Currie

Kelley Currie is a senior fellow with the Project 2049 Institute where she works on issues related to democracy, human rights and the rule of law in the Asia-Pacific region.

Vikram Nehru

Vikram Nehru is a senior associate in Carnegie’s Asia Program where he focuses his research on the economic, political, and strategic issues confronting Asia, particularly Southeast Asia. Follow him on twitter @VikramNehru.

Carnegie does not take institutional positions on public policy issues; the views represented herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Carnegie, its staff, or its trustees.
event speakers

Christina Fink

Christina Fink is a cultural anthropologist who is a professor of practice in international affairs at George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs.

Susan Hayward

Susan Hayward directs the efforts of the United States Institute of Peace to advance conflict prevention, resolution, and reconciliation projects targeting the religious sector, and coordinates the Institute’s overall programming in Myanmar.

Kelley Currie

Kelley Currie is a senior fellow with the Project 2049 Institute where she works on issues related to democracy, human rights and the rule of law in the Asia-Pacific region.

Vikram Nehru

Nonresident Senior Fellow, Asia Program

Nehru was a nonresident senior fellow in the Carnegie Asia Program. An expert on development economics, growth, poverty reduction, debt sustainability, governance, and the performance and prospects of East Asia, his research focuses on the economic, political, and strategic issues confronting Asia, particularly Southeast Asia.