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IMGXYZ387IMGZYX The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the China Reform Forum held a joint conference in Beijing to discuss the prevention and resolution of conflict in the Taiwan Strait. Leading analysts from both the United States and China discussed the different dimensions of cross-strait dynamics, including non-military and military factors, as well as the views and roles of regional players -- most notably, those of the U.S.
- Ding Kuisong, Vice Chairman, China Reform Forum
- Michael Swaine, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Session One -- Non-Military Considerations: Evolving Trends and Policies in the U.S., China, and Taiwan
- Ding Kuisong, China Reform Forum (chair)
- Michael Swaine, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Yuan Peng, China Institution of Contemporary International Relations
Session Two -- Military Considerations: Conflict Scenarios and War Avoidance
- Michael Swaine, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (chair)
- Michael O'Hanlon, Brookings Institution
- Liu Hong, Institute of Taiwan Studies, CASS
Session Three -- Regional Perspectives: Attitudes toward Conflict and Future Implications
- Ruan Zongze, China Institute of International Studies (chair)
- Ashley Tellis, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- Men Honghua, Institute of International Strategic Studies, Central Party School
Session Four -- America's Role in the Evolution of Cross-Strait Situation
- Michael O'Hanlon, Brookings Institution (chair)
- Xue Fukang, China Reform Forum
- Pan Zhenqiang, National Defense University