Competition between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi over influence in the Yemeni governorate could lead to conflict between the two sides or their proxies, which risks provoking dangerous fragmentation.
Competition between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi over influence in the Yemeni governorate could lead to conflict between the two sides or their proxies, which risks provoking dangerous fragmentation.
As Tehran moves toward consolidating its regional power, will it agree to ultimately disarm its Arab allies? Can it afford not to?
The best way for Washington to address Ansar Allah’s hindrance of seaborne traffic is to tie maritime security in the region to the Yemeni peace process.
Saudi-Iranian reconciliation has meant that Tehran and Riyadh are reasserting their interests more strongly in Lebanon.
A regular survey of experts on matters relating to Middle Eastern and North African politics and security.
Saudi Arabia’s and Iran’s reconciliation serves the interests of both sides, and represents a major geopolitical shift in the Middle East.
New restrictions have been imposed on female clothing in Yemen, but the country’s heritage tells a more complicated story.