North Africa
Al-Sisi’s Job Will Be Harder Than Nasser’s

The most probable Egyptian president Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi is actively exploiting Nasser’s legacy to establish his leadership. But whether he will be able to develop into a full-fledged national leader will become clear in the next few months.

· May 14, 2014
Year Four of the Arab Awakening

The Arab transformations have only just begun. The coming year will offer signs as to whether countries of the Arab world are heading toward or away from democracy and pluralism.

· December 12, 2013
In the Media
Russia’s Middle-East End Game, at the Hands of the Post-Soviet Grandmaster

From Vladimir Putin’s perspective, U.S. policies in the Middle East since the beginning of the Arab Awakening have been misguided, unprincipled, and dangerous, and Washington’s record of prognostication and intervention has been abysmal.

· August 1, 2013
The Egyptian Restoration

Much of the Egyptian population now embraces the very military it seemed bent on ejecting from power during the 2011 revolution. What's the reason for the about-face?

· August 1, 2013
In the Media
Egypt’s Real “New” Rulers

Egypt’s interim government promises to restore social peace, political stability, and create an economic roadmap amid a constitutional crisis and a growing tendency towards violence.

· July 25, 2013
In the Media
Tunisia, Not Algeria, Is the Model for a New Egypt

Both Islamists and secularists are wrong if they think they can build a new Egypt on their own. There is no way the country can be successful if only one party rules.

· July 14, 2013
Financial Times