What’s on the Table?

In an interview, Dmitri Trenin discusses what Middle Eastern countries will be looking for in the Ukraine crisis.

· February 18, 2022
Enemies of the Good

France’s intervention in Lebanon has not been without error, but its rejection of maximalism is a blessing.

· December 17, 2021
Return to Gender

In an interview, Cornelius Adebahr and Barbara Mittelhammer talk about a feminist EU foreign policy toward Iran.

· December 11, 2020
In the Media
Turkey Has the Chance to Do Things Differently on Its Economy

Turkey has begun to take steps toward a more coherent economic policy, but its outcome will ultimately be determined by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

· November 11, 2020
In the Media
A Weak Economy Won’t Stop Turkey’s Activist Foreign Policy

By pledging unconditional support to Azerbaijan in its conflict with Armenia over Nagorny Karabakh, Turkey’s government is stretching its forces and its budget, but it’s also shoring up its base.

· October 6, 2020
Foreign Policy
In the Media
A Conflict Could Be Brewing in the Eastern Mediterranean. Here’s How to Stop It.

The discovery of hydrocarbons in the Eastern Mediterranean has raised tensions in the region. Europe must act to to prevent an actual war from breaking out between Greece and Turkey.

· September 17, 2020
Washington Post