In its foreign policy toward North Africa and the Middle East, the EU is putting stability before human rights, as it did before the Arab Spring.
In its foreign policy toward North Africa and the Middle East, the EU is putting stability before human rights, as it did before the Arab Spring.
Morocco’s friends in the West, especially the United States and France, must pressure Rabat to expedite a significant devolution of power to the Western Sahara to limit the threat of instability.
Extending the customs union between Turkey and the EU to countries in the Middle East and North Africa would make establishing a free trade area across the Mediterranean much simpler and eliminate disincentives to trade and investment.
Unless Algeria's leaders quickly address the major structural problems plaguing the nation's economy and increase government oversight, protests in the country will likely grow.
The EU, which has worked for decades on North Africa’s development, must step up its efforts to bolster the region’s private sector and dismantle its own agricultural protectionism.