Projects - South Asia
India Elects 2019
About the Project

India Elects 2019 provides expert analysis on India’s national elections and their impact on the country’s economy, domestic policy, and foreign relations. It brings together insights from Carnegie’s experts in Washington, New Delhi, and around the world.


South Asia

The South Asia Program informs policy debates relating to the region’s security, economy, and political development. From strategic competition in the Indo-Pacific to India’s internal dynamics and U.S. engagement with the region, the program offers in-depth, rigorous research and analysis on South Asia’s most critical challenges.

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All work from India Elects 2019

57 Results
The Consequences of the 2019 Indian General Election for Politics and Policy in India

How a second Narendra Modi-led BJP government affects the party system, minority rights, the economy, and federalism in India.

· May 19, 2020
India Review
The Dawn of India’s Fourth Party System

With the BJP’s return to power following May 2019 general election, India appears to have ushered in a new dominant party system—one premised on a unique set of political principles, showing a clear break with what came before.

· September 5, 2019
Transforming State Capacity in India

Indian state institutions haven’t kept up with the country’s political and economic transformations. Now, India’s new government has three clear pathways to deliver much-needed reforms.

· July 2, 2019
In the Media
Modi Owns the Win and the Aftermath

This election confirms what has been increasingly evident over the past five years: that the BJP, under Modi’s tutelage, has constructed a political hegemony that is impressively resilient.

· May 23, 2019
Hindustan Times
In the Media
Foreign Policy Challenges Lie Ahead

The next government in India will confront significant tests in managing relations with the great powers and India's neighbors.

· May 23, 2019
Hindustan Times
Troubles Aplenty: Foreign Policy Challenges for the Next Indian Government

The post-election government in New Delhi—which could see Modi’s return to the helm—will have to confront serious regional and global foreign policy challenges.

· May 20, 2019
Coalition Math Could Matter Most in India’s 2019 Election

In Indian politics, there are neither permanent friends nor permanent enemies. Both the BJP and Congress Party are doing the election math that would lead to a winning coalition.

· May 15, 2019
In the Media
The Battle for India’s Soul

At the very moment when secularism is on the ropes in India, its defenders appear to have abandoned it.

· May 6, 2019
Foreign Affairs
India’s Emerging Crisis of Representation

If federalism is the glue that has kept the world’s largest democracy together, there are growing signs that this adhesive is becoming unstuck.

· March 14, 2019
In the Media
‘Nationalism, not Hindutva Will Be the Big Theme for 2019’

The BJP government is getting nervous about its reelection chances, but the race remains the BJP’s to lose.

· February 11, 2019
Rediff News