Global Order and Institutions
Regulating Transformative Technologies

The blistering pace of innovation has outpaced international rules governing new technologies, creating risks for humanity. In collaboration with other Carnegie experts, our team will identify the multilateral rules needed to mitigate vulnerabilities inherent in transformative technologies like AI, blockchain, and synthetic biology.

How WHO’s “One Health” Program Can Help India Tackle Monkeypox

With monkeypox being declared a global health emergency, the WHO approach is an innovative and effective way to curb outbreaks of zoonotic diseases.

· August 8, 2022
U.S.-China Technological “Decoupling”: A Strategy and Policy Framework

A partial “decoupling” of U.S. and Chinese technology ecosystems is well underway. Without a clear strategy, Washington risks doing too little or—more likely—too much to curb technological interdependence.

· April 25, 2022
Systemic Cyber Risk: A Primer

While systemic cyber risk has become a hot topic, it deserves even more (and closer) attention than it has so far received. How serious and widespread is systemic cyber risk, and what should be done about it?

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· March 7, 2022