Democracy, Conflict, and Governance

Our work studies how corruption threatens global security and how policymakers can enhance and expand anti-corruption initiatives.

Sovereign Wealth Funds: Corruption and Other Governance Risks

To protect their assets for the long term, some countries invest resources and wealth into sovereign wealth funds, which manage a diversified portfolio. But without adequate transparency requirements, these vehicles can be ripe for corruption and other governance risks.

· June 26, 2024
In the Media
Countering Kleptocracy through Open Government and Democratic Oversight

Kleptocracy, or “rule by thieves,” is a form of corruption where state institutions serve regime elites to exploit citizens. This harms the source countries where resources are stolen, weakening democratic norms and economic development in host countries.

· January 26, 2024
Open Government Partnership
In the Media
Kleptocratic Adaptation: Anticipating the Next Stage in the Battle Against Transnational Kleptocracy

Confronting kleptocratic networks will be a defining challenge for democratic societies and their policymakers. Unfortunately, too many democracies fail to prioritize global corruption as a major national security threat or to see how their own laws, institutions, and social norms enable it.

· January 17, 2023
International Forum for Democratic Studies (NED)
Halting the Kleptocratic Capture of Local Government in Nigeria

Despite their hard-hitting rhetoric, Nigeria’s political leaders have done little to rein in local government corruption and the governance failures it causes.

· July 18, 2022
The Cleansing Power of Ivory Towers: How Elite Educational Institutions Legitimize Kleptocrats’ Children

Regrettably, educational institutions that accept illicit funding and welcome students from families with ties to criminal activity currently do little to counteract this threat.

· March 30, 2022
The International Forum for Democratic Studies
Biden Must Go Beyond Sanctions to Rid the U.S. Financial System of Dirty Money

Financial power must be an important component of the U.S.’s Russia containment strategy, not an afterthought.

· March 8, 2022
Five Things the United States Can Do to Stop Being a Haven for Dirty Money

The Pandora Papers reveal that the United States has much work to do to stop being a haven for the ill-gotten gains of political elites from around the world, but there are steps the Biden administration and Congress can take to reverse this trend.

· October 7, 2021
Corruption and Self-Dealing in Afghanistan and Other U.S.-Backed Security Sectors

The Afghan security forces’ gradual and then sudden collapse is a cautionary tale about other U.S. efforts worldwide to bolster foreign security sectors that are hamstrung by corrosive and endemic corruption.

· September 9, 2021
In The Media
in the media
Rapid Response

A discussion of how fast-moving anti-corruption programs can seize windows of opportunity and make big strides against corrupt systems.

· August 13, 2021
Fake Civil Society: The Rise of Pro-Government NGOs in Nigeria

Nigeria’s top powerbrokers have cultivated a new generation of pro-government NGOs. These groups masquerade as authentic civil society groups, singing the praises of top officials and attacking their critics.

· July 28, 2021
An Anti-Corruption Agenda for the Middle Class

Biden has promised a foreign policy for the middle class. What does that mean for his anti-corruption approach?

· July 22, 2021
Dubai’s Role in Facilitating Corruption and Global Illicit Financial Flows

Dubai is just one of many enablers of global corruption, crime, and illicit financial flows, but addressing the emirate’s role presents anticorruption practitioners, law enforcement agencies, and policymakers with particularly complex challenges.

· July 7, 2020