Husain Haqqani
Visiting Scholar


This person is no longer with the Carnegie Endowment.

Husain Haqqani was a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, D.C., and an associate professor of International Relations at Boston University.

Born in Karachi, Pakistan, Haqqani acquired traditional Islamic learning as well as a modern education in International Relations. His journalism career started with work as East Asian correspondent for Arabia—The Islamic World Review during the turbulent years following the Iranian revolution. During this period he wrote extensively on Muslims in China and East Asia and Islamic political movements around the world. Later, as Pakistan and Afghanistan correspondent for the Far Eastern Economic Review, he covered the war in Afghanistan and acquired deep understanding of militant Islamist Jihadi groups.

Haqqani also has a distinguished career in government. He served as an advisor to Pakistani Prime ministers Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, Nawaz Sharif, and Benazir Bhutto. From 1992 to 1993 he was Pakistan’s ambassador to Sri Lanka.

Haqqani writes a regular column, which is syndicated throughout South Asia and the Middle East in addition to contributing regularly to international publications. He appears frequently on television news shows in both Pakistan and the United States.


Selected Publications:  Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military (Carnegie, 2005); “Pakistan's Internal Divisions,” Pakistan's Future and U.S. Policy Options (Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2003); “The American Mongols”, (Foreign Policy, May/June 2003)

areas of expertise
B.A., M.A., University of Karachi
Arabic, English, Punjabi, Urdu

All work from Husain Haqqani

131 Results
Engaging Pakistan – Getting the Balance Right
September 5, 2008

The process of political evolution towards democracy needs to be supported regardless of the leaders it produces. The next U.S. president must pursue a balanced strategy toward Pakistan that simultaneously strengthens the civilian government—the best hope for Pakistan’s long-term stability—without alienating the Pakistani army.

In the Media
Dialogue Needs a Common Language

Haqqani argues that it is clearly in India’s interest to help Pakistan gain sufficient confidence as a nation to overcome the need for conflict or regional rivalry for nation building. Simultaneously, it is important for Pakistani civil society to acknowledge that normal relations with India are the key to normalization of politics and policy in Pakistan as well.

· April 15, 2006
The Indian Express
In the Media
He Knows Best

Pakistan’s fourth military ruler, General Pervez Musharraf, often makes statements that make eminent sense. Haqqani argues that he is, however, unwilling or unable to translate these rational sounding pronouncements into policy.

· March 22, 2006
The Indian Express
In the Media
The Wind Blows Another Way at the Durand Line

Haqqani recommends that an American-brokered accord between Pakistan and Afghanistan to end the latent dispute over the Durand Line, coupled with international guarantees to end Pakistan’s meddling in Afghanistan, might be the basis for durable peace and friendship between the two Muslim states.

· March 15, 2006
The Indian Express
In the Media
Playing Politics with Religion

The riots ignited by the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten's derogatory images of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) have escalated into violent protests that are no longer aimed at the offending newspaper or even against its homeland, Denmark. Protesters in several Muslim countries, including Pakistan and Indonesia, have targeted American and other Western interests as well as Christian churches.

· February 22, 2006
Gulf News
In the Media
Air Strikes Expose an Uneven Alliance

The inherent weaknesses of the U.S.-Pakistan alliance were exposed in the aftermath of the recent U.S. air strike inside Pakistani territory. Pakistan's military regime would either have to deliver on its promises to the US or run the risk of further American actions that may not always be pre-approved by the Pakistanis.

· January 25, 2006
Gulf News
In The Media
in the media
Our Friends the Pakistanis

So much for the popularly peddled view that anti-Americanism in the Muslim world is so pervasive and deep-rooted it might take generations to alter.

· December 19, 2005
In the Media
U.S., Muslims and Democracy

The U.S. government repeatedly makes the mistake of defining as “moderate” those authoritarian Muslim rulers who fulfill America’s foreign policy goals, and U.S. officials have been muted in their criticism of the rulers they finance. But American officials must recognise the contradiction in their simultaneous support for democracy and dictatorial Muslim regimes.

· November 21, 2005
The Indian Express
In the Media
Earthquake Relief: If we don't help Pakistan, al-Qaeda's friends will

Husain Haqqani urges the United States and the world community to do nothing less than spearhead a response to the earthquake in Pakistan similar to that following the tsunami

· November 21, 2005
In the Media
In Their Hour of Need, Pakistanis Unite
· October 31, 2005
Gulf News