Arab Spring 2.0

Countries in the Middle East and North Africa have been witnessing a resurgence of the uprisings that had swept the region in 2010 and 2011. Many experts described what was called the Arab Spring as a failure, with countries descending into conflict or reverting back to autocratic tendencies, while populations abandoned protest squares. Yet with the unwillingness of Arab governments to tackle the many sources of dissatisfaction at home, citizens have returned to the streets to demand good governance and economic opportunities in twelve of the 22 Arab countries. Carnegie scholars in Beirut and throughout the region offer their analyses of this new wave of protests, explaining its causes, characteristics, and consequences for the politics, economies, and security of the countries involved, and for the broader region in general.

Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok Has Resigned

Spot analysis from Carnegie scholars on events relating to the Middle East and North Africa.

· January 7, 2022
The Military Has Taken Power in Sudan and Dissolved Its Transitional Government

Spot analysis from Carnegie scholars on events relating to the Middle East and North Africa.

· October 26, 2021
Why Sudan Matters

Once isolated globally, the African nation has become a target of interest for a variety of regional and international countries.

  • Nada Ahmed
· January 29, 2021
Colluding With the Corrupters

In an interview, David Linfield argues that international donors are benefiting existing power structures in the Middle East.

· January 29, 2021
In The Media
in the media
What’s Behind Acquitting Top Army Generals in Algeria?

Two military generals and the brother of former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika have been acquitted by a military court.

· January 4, 2021
In The Media
in the media
Algeria’s Hirak: Why Such a Mass Movement Achieved so Little

Despite the Hirak’s few tangible successes, one thing remains sure: there is before and after February 22, 2019.

· December 15, 2020
Taking Secular Courses

University students around Lebanon are voting for candidates who oppose the country’s sectarian establishment parties.

· December 4, 2020
‘New Algeria,’ Same as the Old Algeria

The country’s leaders are seeking to put an end to the popular protest movement, but it’s just not working.

· November 6, 2020
In The Media
in the media
Does Algeria Need a New Constitution?

Although Algeria's protest movement toppled longtime leader Bouteflika, protesters are still demanding change, because they say many of the old political elite are still in charge.

· November 1, 2020
The Advantages of Intimidation

In Ba‘lbek-Hermel, there was support for the Lebanese uprising until the main Shi‘a parties gained the upper hand.

  • Soubhi Amhaz
· September 16, 2020
An Obsession With Independence

The response to Lebanon’s protest movement in Zahleh showed sympathy, but within a conservative framework.

  • Farès Sassine
· September 14, 2020
We’re Carrying On

Protest actions in Sidon since October 2019 have continued, despite multiple efforts to repress them.

  • Miryam Swaidan
· September 7, 2020